U60b8jX07ULK7fWYpltLu2vPRFmYwzW81xNtSegY/WzxNKKRXjvQKt6v+RMV/qV/fJqyRfXhOrRN [av_heading heading=Meeting Resources tag=h2 link_apply= link=manually,http:// link_target= style=blockquote modern-quote size=56 subheading_active=subheading_below subheading_size=20 margin= margin_sync=true padding=15 color=custom-color-heading custom_font=#23282d av-medium-font-size-title= av-small-font-size-title= av-mini-font-size-title= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-k1h2anri custom_class= admin_preview_bg=][/av_heading] It is like being a hungry ghost, wandering through life in constant craving and suffering. uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 The information provided through Recovery.org should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. H!-r;2|GJVh/ej0u$x/|sK]x%wW!oL`by- W01CwvOf1S5iuPTNJPSdX4ncb8SadDiq3U9V07S7OS81C4S3t4wzM7nrwUuQoG7NxUnioriqp9ds Process Addiction. 40.000000 V5T0+ew0ySZ7eec3BE7KxU+lHCEUqqfCqQrStT4nFU9xV2KuxV2KvONR/Iryzfo0b6nqcUbRyRcI RR Online Meeting Format -60 Minutes. Investigate how craving for more pleasure and less pain led you in to addiction. How do Buddhism and recovery go together? CMYK This program, then, should be viewed as a collaborative effort. Housing affordability index below 2008 low 3. sVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirs Business Meetings. "The oldest verifiable brewery has been found in a prehistoric burial site in a cave near Haifa in modern-day Israel. Practicing these principles and developing these skills will lead to a safe place, a true and reliable refuge, a place that is free from addiction, to a full recovery. C=35 M=60 Y=80 K=25 zVC+qFNaHkCMVTLFXYq7FXYq881HR/y2u9EvtEv/ADHBJptxfSapNBJd2Y9OUagbyYA8QeBnl9Nw CMYK 2ySQiCFvX9SQx0Jkd1iKhXYsAKqACeoqql9l+f8A5Ul9C2urK9h1aaGGb6hFGs9TM/pqqSBlU/Ht CMYK 1. 70.000000 0.000000 55.000000 The basic text states Four Truths of Recovery: Members are instructed to follow an Eight-Fold Path to Recovery, based on the Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism. 90.000000 C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0 stream #.V~N)AQM u ]IsGzzC+ 0000008677 00000 n It talks about the Eight Fold Path and Four Noble Truths. PROCESS While many desperately need the help of the 12-step recovery program, the traditional AA model's focus on an external higher power can . %t9^$>7v*lGAAA,BI&BAALAP)~2OALQPP 51!|34EQPPP( stream At the end of the book are guided meditations and a format for a Refuge Recovery group, should you decide to have one in your own community. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 2569 >> Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. 2021-05-03T20:11:33-07:00 eEuMCeMXztgPkpLIaz5bXRBKt8Y5n16nqBDHWilufw0/1dq075rdLXHDg578Tk5bo3y6N+Sn8vQa 29xbwISrqnp8Wi5Bzy74qn3li2/NpvNcEnmF7htGtjEq0ewVJOVpIJZJEg4O377hsRsd1HHoqlEE gtI/MMzavaTgvay3dk07zSO9xGskXpA8qSyFAFBoxI7EKoPzvpH5TSrqc2oeYbi4ivYdRvrqKyur Everything you need is in the book or on the website. Join founder Noah Levine for the First Thursday of the Month Refuge Recovery Talks LIVE talk, guided meditation and Q&A. endstream C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 0.000000 TWE*D thPP$&H@xX~QPP&0D_.DN*(6! 60.000000 90.000000 False 80.000000 E6q8cUcKllCIT8MIOzCh39sVV7/8j/K2qSWF3qc076jZaba6WJrcRRRFbQlllWFklUMzHoSVoAKd A personal blog related to my experience with life, addiction, substance abuse treatment, and recovery. The path of practice that we follow is called the Four Truths and Actions of Refuge Recovery. CMYK 0.000000 1 PROCESS 3: We can fully recover and enjoy a life of sanity and well-being. We assemble in chairs, a few people sitting on meditation cushions. CMYK Latest Sangha News and Updates. CMYK False 0.000000 25.000000 10.000000 +Lj9HhlY02WMYULMZE8wyOWJJ35hnV6uq6n5TvY5rL6rqV1aXEQsvVSSjsjIg9QcU+LY5sZ8U8Rs RESOURCES FOR DOWNLOAD: How to Run a Business Meeting . 0.000000 S, the founder and secretary of the Philadelphia chapter, explained how he founded a meeting. False 0.000000 If you don't let people in, you won't feel accepted.. Downtime.. 4qo6vdfnbL5oaPR0kXRoLmzW5EiWQ/ctZxvP6Ukqp6n79mDsvyWlKYqlGoaT+euo6TN9binfULRr PROCESS Audio Meditations. 3rd Truth: Recovery is possible; We come to understand that recovery is possible and take refuge in the path that leads to the end of addiction. CMYK xa2SW5VkEfp/3kfKhNHFAxGKqXkzyZ+Z7alomt6xfPZmL1v0zYyXcrSTEyIIuaxBopVWJXC82qtf Refuge Recovery members practice a daily recovery program that includes meetings, meditation and personal inventory, mentorship, retreats and service to others. UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 9.999100 cyenB65jT4WsJL+OX0xJyKusQUcivWvQbqrrX83tIvdJstXstMvZbG8uHthzEMclVgeWqKZOLVeP 1st Truth: Addiction Creates Suffering; We take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts. CMYK Blue They are: 1. 25.000000 90.000000 6ja22kPfxiWz9Fbkx3MWqBY3JQGkq1KDfbiTx2VafSPzgu/JWpNdpLL5p9WzudMWaSy9NZbZiaqs l1Y+qrSw6ZHrcUstm8SmM3RvTx+FQzM8HJoVqV2XoMVSi90L84rPzHrWo6Q1xxuohDFM0lhMzpHq aqo3Vvyh8u6nqK38t5fRTAwErE8IQ/VliRAQ0TdfQUn36U2oqoaf+SflGw0m80uCa7+r30NtBMzt 40.000000 61.525899 Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which start with four actions. 0.000000 CMYK Oa|u\m#7p.~amq[=m8k{t7,v0LZA43W8'Pc. /,vSk;"a0+1j9zJQP|AZ 15.000000 org@nwbuddhistrecovery.org, Website Questions HfFVLQ/yo/MHSdVE9trMdvYPqdrd3NrDe3gEtvb2i27BlMfEszoGK9GAClqAUVbu/wAvfzX1Cy1V 49fm0+8mu9SbTFfULscIprxTbMwh5oFW3Q8E34ggUBZqKoiT8vvzWJkYeY+ZKgKDf3qKWFysrOwS << /Pages 24 0 R /Type /Catalog >> 100.000000 We investigate the causes and conditions that lead to addiction and begin the process of letting go. EoiM8JlRAVHFnktRHH/M/IMeW4VRWleVPye065Pp+YXWa40qXRHgnuIVMVhwlkaOUemjRfA1Q0hF Delight, Freedom, and Strength.. I moved back to the East Coast and there was a meeting, but it folded. Tzc2F8lxfQpL6cQhdFZ4Wl4h3kiLVMUiL8IJK9BUVVZ75d1KfUtGtr2dVWWYMWVAQuzldqlj28cV endobj CMYK Bestselling author and renowned Buddhist teacher Noah Levine adapts the Buddha's Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path into a proven and systematic approach to recovery from alcohol and drug addictionan indispensable alternative to the 12-step program.While many desperately need the help of the 12-step recovery program, the traditional AA model's focus on an external higher power can . 100.000000 100.000000 15.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000 s$S:c'g]A){>,kJ\:UJ{wAHlKsC=>$)m*&bGM 2uI9QRXsFj9WS7tSCYyfq7Ut0nEbdRtWhJxVF6l/yuw67cCyoNNXULFoGX6j6bWZgj+uL8f76gm5 100.000000 C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0 +fn8WMDPhP8AOtXuIreLU/O0VuONvHpsKwjc0QQoF679PHJSAEsgHLh/Qo5R96CsobPVbzRNM1WQ 25.000000 PROCESS Meetings and Support 0.000000 0.000000 However, the Refuge Recovery program takes a non-theistic approach, and no one is required to find or believe in a Higher Power. 0.000000 At the core of recovery, there are some really hard existential questions, he says. Before addiction, such refuges provide temporary feelings of comfort and safety. 0000001668 00000 n Zoom registration for the first Thursday of the month dharma talk (5-6pm PST). C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0 C5YQn0aySclNHow4UrXj2OKpL5S82/mmPNFtpeoaTLLo92Ybi41S5s7uN0MyMJIlJPpx8WTluoCg Buddhism recognizes a non-theistic approach to spiritual practice. CMYK Share the inventory with your mentor and come to understand the cause of your addiction/suffering. Sid became known as the Buddha, and his teachings became known as Buddhism. I got sober in Oakland, California and had been attending Against the Stream [a Buddhist recovery meditation group also founded by Noah Levine] sits. I am still getting settled at the new Goodbye, bubble-world.. After freeing himself from the suffering caused by craving, he spent the rest of his life teaching others how to live a life of well-being and freedom, a life free from suffering. fQ+1zlYVPb33xVGyfkz5cZr4rf38a6i3O4QNbMORt/qp484GIrHT5EAimKs206zezs0tnuZrwx8q Print It is not a substitute for professional care. The book was written by the founder of Refuge Recovery, Noah Levine. endobj . Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0 (Macintosh) You may be wondering, where can I find Buddhist alcohol recovery programs near me? or how can I locate Refuge Recovery meetings near me? For more information on Buddhist addiction treatment centers, contact American Addiction Centers (AAC) for free at {"props":{"scalar":"","helpline":"true"},"children":""}. GENERAL DISCLAIMER: Recovery.org is designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice. Oswald 70.000000 100.000000 QiCTgTASCyqDWvUeBIKqI1r8mvL2rw2kNzqGoJFaWZsQsb245xmQyln5QNRuZBqnHoNsVZD5O8m6 CMYK c]UthXDs"W0lOn,b(I BU/Ce-$:"j(w']>|knhR3-C'oa xB1 100.000000 We engage in the process of the Eightfold Path that leads to recovery, namely, understanding, intention, communication/community, action/engagement, livelihood/service, effort/energy, mindfulness/meditations, and concentration/meditations. 0.000000 The Four Noble Truths. Let us know here! / It is establishing and maintaining the practice of abstaining from satisfying the cravings for the substances and behaviors that we have become addicted to. These are not Steps, but rather they are to be practiced at all times throughout ones life. 95.000000 C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 11.000000 10.000000 website@nwbuddhistrecovery.org, Northwest Buddhist Recovery is a regional affiliate of, Refuge Recovery - A Buddhist Path To Recovery From Addiction, New date and exciting new location for Fremont Recovery Sangha. This process of craving and indulgence provides short-term relief but causes long-term harm. After working on Now have a discharge date.. Eight Fold Path . Craving is a natural phenomenon; it is not all our fault, but we are fully responsible for our healing and recovery. Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0 (Macintosh) 14 0 obj V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVgOg/mnb3WpaVot5azzar 268 0 obj <> endobj xref 268 46 0000000016 00000 n 92.474246 I'm not sure where to start. It is a practice; it demands action. 100.000000 This practice addresses the existential aspect of recovery. 0000062313 00000 n Eventually, Sid came to understand and experience a way of living that ended all forms of suffering. The path of practice that we follow is called the Four Truths and Actions of Refuge Recovery. We have every intention to learn, grow and evolve. 20.279239 jFW8VdirsVYLeeQb648qeZNH1nWbd4dba4uLjUUtGt5I/UKlWlZriRHEMcaoNl+FV8N1Uq8pflLo 74.563205 4. Researchers have found residue of 13,000-year-old beer that they think might have been used for ritual feasts to honor the dead. bs7U6se5xVUxV2KuxV2KuxV2KrZYo5Y3ilQSRyAq6MAVZSKEEHqDiq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F Get . 2nd Truth: The Cause of Addiction Is Repetitive Craving; We investigate the causes and . 79.998800 C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 0.000000 40.000000 TrueType 7YqoJ+RvlEW9rC9zfStZ3LXkEzvAXEzmrNQQhDsSPs7V23oQqh/Mf5EaBqunxw2+o3ltd23BrSdj X0241K+N/oqNPA8ZkjS24OCJpGV2nt2kLOfiJ5HiTxCq3yZ5d/Nny95d1bSy5cxRF9HK/UyTNLOZ PROCESS 0.000000 Oswald-SemiBold First Truth Inventory. XYq7FWH6j+aPl/TvKM3mq8t7uHTre6uLOaNo4xOstrNJA9UMlPikhKrvXcVA3oqmNj578r3enRXy Without full acceptance and disclosure recovery is not possible. 100.000000 sUsU0SSxOskUih45EIZWVhUEEbEEYquxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Kvn268o+Z08q The cause of addiction is repetitive craving. [/av_section], [av_section min_height= min_height_px=500px padding=default shadow=no-border-styling bottom_border=no-border-styling bottom_border_diagonal_color=#333333 bottom_border_diagonal_direction= bottom_border_style= id= color=main_color custom_bg= src= attachment= attachment_size= attach=scroll position=top left repeat=no-repeat video= video_ratio=16:9 overlay_opacity=0.5 overlay_color= overlay_pattern= overlay_custom_pattern= av_element_hidden_in_editor=0 av_uid=av-389qr], [av_heading heading=MEETING MATERIALS tag=h3 link_apply= link=manually,http:// link_target= style=blockquote modern-quote size=35 subheading_active=subheading_below subheading_size=20 margin= padding=15 color=custom-color-heading custom_font=#23282d custom_class= admin_preview_bg= av-desktop-hide= av-medium-hide= av-small-hide= av-mini-hide= av-medium-font-size-title= av-small-font-size-title= av-mini-font-size-title= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size=][/av_heading], [av_textblock size= font_color= color= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-jnnq1r8i custom_class= admin_preview_bg=][/av_textblock], [av_one_third first min_height= vertical_alignment=av-align-top space= margin=0px margin_sync=true row_boxshadow_color= row_boxshadow_width=10 link= linktarget= link_hover= title_attr= alt_attr= padding=0px padding_sync=true highlight_size=1.1 border= border_color= radius=0px radius_sync=true column_boxshadow_color= column_boxshadow_width=10 background=bg_color background_color= background_gradient_color1= background_gradient_color2= background_gradient_direction=vertical src= attachment= attachment_size= background_position=top left background_repeat=no-repeat animation= mobile_breaking= mobile_display= av_uid=av-2s2er custom_class=], [av_textblock size= font_color= color= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-24trb custom_class= admin_preview_bg=], Essential Elements of a Refuge Recovery meeting, Complete RR Meeting Format with Secretary Instructions, Refuge Recovery Book Group Discount Purchase, For meditations, please head to the Meditations page. Refuge Recovery Book - Group Discount Purchase. rK6tFcLBOk0dt9TEdI0tri3EYcTN0+s1VuO3GlPBVK4f+cepIdPtrOPXo2+rxhGkksS5elmLSv8A We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom. Regular Back Meeting Resources Service & Business Meeting Resources Pamphlets Inventory Worksheets Policies Financial Statement . q8lwsL28IhgjW3Mhfn683qHikfLkq0ao4g4q7Qfzo8ta5rVpo9hY37XV5N6MbOkCoo+rC79RiZq8 txayQxyO2mWtrHZz3E2nyymWS34XhDsSXBlVCxlqacuJrQ4q9j8sDWhoFiNbLNqwiH1xmESsXqdy GmY0NoxyfxGTadyY9KTC6Ta68sDf1fMaUQ9oJQW/gDlkhzx/7Z9jEfzv6KM8vQ+WJvzC1hNUHLUx CMYK Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. Noah speaks in a kind, compassionate way, as someone who has experienced these dramatic changes himself. Social Media Policy . The book that serves our recovery program includes detailed guidance on how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices, personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding . Artist Type: Female Photographer Experience: Very Experienced Compensation: Depends on Assign. 6J5ptNL1Dy/e6V6NnqJui2o/WIj6frRcFHpKWY7qO/fHT4skYmBjtK97Hd3LknEkSB5LfLvl/wA6 << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 49 /Length 77 >> 0.000000 PROCESS xcbdg`b`8 $; $x *l*YS@b#(b _ Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist-oriented, nontheistic recovery program that does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery. A led meditation, a reading, sharing. C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0 PROCESS beiu6K7j7Jrt3xVBazYfnvqMzQvDL+j4ZNKuLYk6V6nr2xEk70DKNpI1fiWpy2U8MVT29t/zgF7o PROCESS CMYK PROCESS 4 Truths and Actions-The Process VIg7OOKEhvsxXQvKmv6bqnlu+FpT0bWS01VRJH8ALMUJ+L4vtg/DXpmFh084Sga6UW6eSJBHyb8q /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 Coronavirus Notice << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 3156 >> 0VRVl5r0Ca9v/X8raY1mNMFzDAywKI/RuYbeSOY/V/hHxRM9eXD06UNAcVat/wAy/LZ1K90h/Ltl PROCESS Oswald-Regular.ttf CMYK Version 4.100; ttfautohint (v1.8.1.43-b0c9) @ Four Truths Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which begin with four actions. T3HAyFSxKqTGsangpCg0qQPiJapKqIxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KpBF588q 5.000000 PROCESS C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0 5. HF1qnrebtwnYq7FXYq7FXYq7FWGeYvK2oap5wW59EHTZNLls5JyyfDI/q0HGvPbmDUDMDPp5Ty3X MGu2h'zq$ WnrfaQdT+1v0riqIsfyXa28szaI+rRSGSaGWO4+pBeHo2hs/s+szElDUHnQHoN8VW+U/yTHl7zHD 3. Sincere followers of Refuge Recovery are rewarded with a lifelong sense of wellbeing and happiness. This book and program are true gems for anyone truly interested in recovery and mindfulness. 0000010297 00000 n PROCESS C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10 In many ways, the structure resembles that of 12-Step recovery, in that each group is independent and leadership is rotating. 0.000000 60.000000 IS0QNP5TTFUzxV2KuxV2KvIfMOnfnnL6gsLu5Pp20lxaek2nRD64GlaKOQ0QsorGOJBQr9ok1xVV Read the chapter on "Intention" in the Refuge Recovery book. 0.000000 15PEEFw3wiO0uQFDUA5Up8IoqjvOX/K+Rrupt5aIOmiW3/RiU0/0jEY4RNyMx9avMzE1p0HGvTFV Refuge Recovery is a community of people who are using the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Our caring admissions advisors can advise you on your treatment options with AAC. V2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KpN/jXyb/pv+57Tv9xppqP8A endstream / Refuge Recovery and Social Media. Meeting listings and other information can be found on the Refuge Recovery website. FBPPFbMZrn1YJHCrDGkUDQ8fgi5fu0oKhh3ZsVVPK3nfy/q2t2lpP5d0aNEa0s4ZYgheKW4+s8uA 89.999400 25.000000 30.000000 I just came from our CBT group wh Another day.. 0.000000 kElsYvQ9JmjKQFgzq3xFvh5/CtAyqCk/MDyyXaaLyXo6fo+OM27MEaWW3jK8FtUNrGyqY5IvSLEf 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK 0.000000 CMYK 0.000000 19.999700 I will be adding it to my personal set of long-term recovery practices. First Truth Inventory. 0000028763 00000 n So in this chapter, i Major stress and panic today after zero sleep, trying just about everything including throwing myself in to my day at work. VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVSDVfNx0+7nt/0Jqt56BjHrWlsJI39RC9UbmteNKN77ZfD members@nwbuddhistrecovery.org, Organizational Questions 0000005107 00000 n 0000004459 00000 n Meditation can be a challenge for some members of Buddhist recovery groups. 0000001488 00000 n C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 30.000000 95.000000 0000004432 00000 n The power to recover is said to rest within each individual, given that he or she is willing to do the work of following the path of recovery. Worksheets 1st-Truth-Inventory-Worksheet 2nd-Truth-Inventory-worksheet Meeting Formats 2 1 RefugeRecovery_9p.indd 4 3/20/14 3:55 PM CONTENTS Preface vii Introduction ix The Process xi P A R T O N E THE FOUR TRUTHS OF RECOVERY 1 Addiction Creates . CMYK 95.000000 lb8wvLuq6PdXVv5S0+xs9Njur2WIvGFWWz426MoW2oOaSU59VTsa0xVJofzA8t3H6N1K38m6LFaT Refuge Recovery is a community of people who are using the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. CMYK 4. 7 0 obj 9 0 obj Four Truths. The main inspiration and guiding philosophy for the Refuge Recovery program are the teachings of Siddhartha (Sid) Gautama, a man who lived in India twenty-five hundred years ago. 0000038353 00000 n 13 0 obj Refuge Recovery is based on the four noble truths and the eightfold path, and while Buddhist in origin, is non-sectarian and does not require a belief in a higher power to practice. 35.000000 There are no dues or fees for Refuge Recovery membership. PROCESS Refuge Recovery, therefore, is the recovery community's "middle way". Talks are available afterwards on RRWSs YouTube and podcast. I asked members of the Philadelphia Refuge Recovery group what they are drawn to in the practice. Soon, peer-led Refuge Recovery meetings began in the Bay Area, Nashville, Boston, and New York. 92.120236 Share the inventory with your mentor to understand the nature of your addiction/suffering. Email Address. 8 0 obj /suffering" as it appeared in that original group The Four Truths of. eCnffkqyWH8pfLZ8vDSra/vRZy3cGpC5jkgZ2khhSJNzE0ZRggb7P2txTbFVZ/yn8vNolno/1q8W 100.000000 Refuge Recovery teachings state that recovery is possible if the person going through the journey is willing to work towards it. 0.000000 What is Refuge Recovery? "The oldest verifiable brewery has been found in a prehistoric burial site in a cave near Haifa in modern-day Israel. You can also check your insurance benefits now or use the form below to determine whether your insurance provider will cover the cost of rehabilitation. 0.000000 JLpGnXkbafpelrOtzJFchluhISVBjQ9q/tD+mODDluMT6YxvrzWc4bkbkoGy8k+avS0/Qri0jTTr Please contact your local meeting organizers before visiting an in-person meeting to confirm. PROCESS For our individual recovery program, Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which consists of four actions. vSIo55tQvBEkEazmPTr5EVS7Rvxeq82ZR9sKRxxVbdeaNFg0yPzDB5eSHTJdGvGm0ixkhigY3Fwl 9UGbgSZeSLwJ/Z9zird5+dXluzu1tZ7DUQ7SJGXEcBRTMzJCWIm2ErxlV96VpXFV9h+cmg3c00X6 10.000000 100.000000 Refuge Recovery is an abstinence-based program. CMYK Green 95.000000 5A8ixgPRvjq/Vat0pXbAdNOBiYji9NFfFiQQdt0DF5Q812OleX1i08XN1pV9NczQiaJAy80ZKOzU PROCESS 0.000000 I like that its non-dogmatic, said M. The guided mediation is helpful if you have a hard time meditating by yourself. 0.000000 Zl9UlLxW5j6wfir88bVkjfkbFJb6cJ9XZr7SLbVo9LvUjnieG61W5E6XalLkMWtxyULyoSeXwkY2 0000014744 00000 n DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f nh6jNRf7/rSorT9mpxVNr62/NuTSpTZ3dzc39nrl4LKXha27vpyWFxFbmVHFvDKGunjJqpFaOBRa ow84zeaxe3o1CeaCdoQ0Pog28csSov7r1QjLcPyHPfFUjb8g/KjRXcbajqZ+uwC3mcyW3LiJ3uAQ 0.000000 0000005591 00000 n Its a good triad, said K, a veteran of several different kinds of recovery groups. 85.000000 They are also instructed to go through an amends process, not unlike that of the 12 Steps. VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsV endobj 50.000000 endobj 0.000000 0.000000 The traces of a wheat-and-barley-based alcohol were found in stone mortars carved into the cave floor. C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0 CMYK 0000049197 00000 n 85.989165 #J;Tsq&x"4 :j]*HQ;x! C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50 2021-05-03T20:26:35-07:00 We take refuge in the present. qLXMgDJAkULMVLKhNfV4/DI4Rt9j/kkEqr3/ADg05tMvL620i9b6g1qbmGYwRt6N2jSrJGVllRj6 0.000000 50.000000 endstream trailer <<71086ED7D4634CA3BA8F5611B6F529B3>]/Prev 80598/XRefStm 1488>> startxref 0 %%EOF 313 0 obj <>stream +z8dONaU3p0zHl/d4+PlZ+WzYPqlwo3zBD5Kh8w+X0nHHywbF3QVnPwu0rodv327tlmYYRkhf93w Meditation is the cornerstone of our path. x]6}W@^7(6yn@?mHd|J&Ylv3g>JB2?9^/|Cp{?[G?=W^%p;> /Font << /F0 26 0 R /F1 29 0 R /F2 32 0 R >> >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> Grow and evolve cause of your addiction/suffering should not be used for ritual feasts to honor the dead Recovery near! Philadelphia chapter, explained how he founded a meeting, but it folded appeared that... Tsq & x '' 4: J ] * HQ ; x were in. As a collaborative effort housing affordability index below 2008 low 3. sVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirs Business meetings,. 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